James JANUZZI - Boston, USA
Dr. James Januzzi is currently the Hutter Family Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and a staff member in the Cardiology Division of the Massachusetts General Hospital.
Dr. Januzzi’s research work has contributed greatly to the understanding of cardiac biomarker testing, where his studies have set international standards for biomarker use for diagnosis, prognosis, and management of heart failure as well as acute coronary syndromes. He has participated in clinical trials of therapeutics for heart failure, diabetes, and acute coronary syndromes, and has published more than 650 manuscripts, book chapters and review articles, and has edited six text books. He has an H-index of 106 and has been cited nearly 70000 times. He is an Associate Editor at the Journal of the American College of Cardiology as well as Journal of the American College of Cardiology: Heart Failure and he is a Trustee of the American College of Cardiology.