Nicolas GIRERD - Nancy, France
Pr Nicolas Girerd, MD, PhD, is the deputy director of Nancy Clinical Investigation Center. He is a Professor of Therapeutics at the Nancy School of Medicine of the Lorraine University. He works as a clinical cardiologist specialized in Heart failure and has a PhD in biomathematics/biostatistics. He has a broad experience in the field of data analysis (>220 publications, google h-index 30, WOS h-index 25). He is currently the PI of several studies focused on congestion quantification in heart failure and/or acute dyspnoea (especially using Lung Ultrasound): AHF-CORE, AHF-CODE, EMERALD and the AMBUSH trial. He is also the methodologist - biostatistician of several randomized clinical trials in the field of heart failure and/or MRA therapy (HYPO-ECMO, EPURE TRANSPLANT, LEVOHEARTSHOCK).
His current research interests are mainly focused on the quantification and treatment of congestion in acute and chronic heart failure. He also has a special interest in machine-learning based methods, especially for the prediction of treatment effect and the identification of phenotypes within heterogenous populations.