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Javier DIEZ - Pamplona, Spain

Prof. Díez graduated in Medicine at the Medical School of the Autónoma University of Madrid, in 1976. He holds a certificate of Nephrology and Internal Medicine at the University Clinic. He next became a research fellow at the Necker Hospital and at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, where he trained in cardiovascular biology. In 2009 he was appointed as Full Professor of Medicine of the University of Navarra. At present, he is the Director of the Program of Cardiovascular Diseases in the same Center, Scientific Director of the Department of Nephrology and Consultant and Head of Research in the Department of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, both at the University of Navarra Clinic.

During the last decades his main research interest has been focused on the mechanisms of myocardial fibrosis involved in non-ischemic heart diseases and heart failure. In addition, his work has been also aimed to identify circulating biomarkers of myocardial fibrosis potentially useful in the cardiac assessment and handling of cardiac patients.