Christian DELLES - Pamplona, UK
Dr Christian Delles is Professor of Cardiovascular Prevention and Deputy Director of the Institute for Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences, University of Glasgow. He is an Honorary Consultant Physician with NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde. He is interested in the initiation and progression of cardiovascular diseases. His research is in the area of vascular biology with oxidative stress and endothelial function as pathogenetic factors of hypertension and other cardiovascular disorders. As such he studies markers for early diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy; the molecular basis of vascular diseases; the pathogenesis and long-term consequences of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and gestational diabetes; and differences in the pathophysiology of cardiovascular diseases between men and women. Dr Delles serves as Treasurer of the British and Irish Hypertension Society and Honorary Secretary of the Association of Physicians of Great Britain and Ireland. He is a member of national and international grant panels, Associate Editor of Clinical Science and Cardiovascular Research and serves on the editorial board of other leading cardiovascular journals. He has published more than 250 peer reviewed papers.